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17 Aug

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Which VIPR SRM component allows the use of formulas to compute complex KPIs?

A.    Web Portal
B.    Collector-Manager
C.    Metric Database
D.    SolutionPacks

Answer: A

What does Passive host discovery provide?

A.    Path discovery, Topology maps, and inclusion of hosts in chargeback reports
B.    Full path discovery, Topology maps, and host performance reports
C.    Extensive path discovery, Topology maps, and inclusion of hosts in chargeback reports
D.    Extensive path discovery, Topology maps, and host performance reports

Answer: A

What information is shown in the Backend Temp Files Count Check report?

A.    The number of files waiting to be inserted in the database
B.    Shows that the Backend host is stopped and the file data is stale
C.    The CPU load, memory utilization, and file IOPS on the Backend
D.    The capacity utilization of the Backend filesystems

Answer: A

How would you search and find all ESX servers using an advanced search?

A.    Filter, Refine, devtype = Hypervisor
B.    Filter, Refine, device = ESXServer
C.    Filter, Refine, parttype = Hypervisor
D.    Filter, Refine, Everything, Expansion, Vmware, ESX

Answer: A

Which Frontend module runs the task used to avoid repeated and potentially unnecessary queries to the databases?

A.    APG-Property-Store
B.    APG-Diagnostic-Tools
C.    APG-Frontend
D.    APG-Self_Monitoring_Collector

Answer: A

In addition to validation of discovered storage infrastructure against design best practices and the EMC Support Matrix for compliance, what features does the Storage Compliance SolutionPack provide?

A.    Generates compliance breach reports and automated breach alert notifications
B.    Generates compliance breach reports, automated breach alert notifications and “what if” change modeling
C.    Validation against regulatory policies for compliance, generates compliance breach reports, and automated breach alert notifications
D.    Validation of the discovered storage infrastructure against regulatory policies for compliance, generates compliance breach reports, automated breach alert notifications, and “what if” change modeling

Answer: A

When deploying the VMAX SolutionPack with a Remote Solutions Enabler what must be entered exactly as it appears in the netcnfg file?

A.    SYMAPI Connection Name
B.    Hostname of the Collector Host
C.    IP Address of the Backend Host
D.    Solutions Enabler bin directory path

Answer: A

What component cannot be part of a SolutionPack?

A.    Backends
B.    Data Collection
C.    Reports
D.    SNMP Masks

Answer: A

You just installed a new SolutionPack and three polling cycles (15 minutes) have passed. What task must be run to get the data into the UI quickly?

A.    Property-Store on the Frontend Host
B.    Property-Store on the Primary Backend Host
C.    Frontend-Search task
D.    Restart Tomcat service

Answer: A

From where is the installation of ViPR SRM SolutionPacks performed?

A.    SolutionPack Center
B.    Central Configuration Repository
C.    Discovery Center
D.    SolutionPack Menu

Answer: A

Which statement is true regarding the EMC Host Interface SolutionPack?

A.    EMC Host Interface agent software must be installed on hosts to be discovered and enables collection of data from hosts without requiring host credentials.
B.    EMC Host Interface SolutionPack enables agentless host discovery by interfacing with hosts across the IP network.
C.    EMC Host Interface agent software must be installed on hosts to be discovered and enables collection of data from hosts using host credentials.
D.    Installation of the EMC Host Interface SolutionPack deploys many built-in host reports and requires the Host Interface agent software to be installed on hosts to be discovered.

Answer: A

When you deploy the Physical Host SolutionPack on a Windows host, what needs to be considered about the way it will leverage the Generic-RSC collector-manager?

A.    The collector-manager can collect data on both Windows and Linux hosts
B.    The collector-manager can only collect data on other Windows hosts
C.    The collector-manager is agentless and does not require scripts
D.    The collector-manager can use either port 5985 or 5986 to access the Linux and Windows hosts

Answer: A
